Paneed Alaska Pollack from Beynur… Alaska Pollack, which is the most consumed white fish, will be essential part of your meal tables with low fat content under the quality of Beynur.
Alaska Pollack is a good nutritional source and can be easily consumed every day. Contains minerals such as protein, potassium, magnesium, especially strengthens your immune system with B12 vitamins.
Paneed Alaska Pollack from Beynur… Alaska Pollack, which is the most consumed white fish, will be essential part of your meal tables with low fat content under the quality of Beynur.
Alaska Pollack is a good nutritional source and can be easily consumed every day. Contains minerals such as protein, potassium, magnesium, especially strengthens your immune system with B12 vitamins.
Beynur Alaska Pollack can be indispensable food of your children with its taste. If you prepare a lemon seasonal salad next to pollack, you can have a full menu and a meal that your guests will never forget.
You can easily prepare our fried and deep-frozen product in microwave oven for servicing
2 days in the fridge.
1 week in a * star freezer.
2 weeks in a ** star freezer.
In a *** star freezer at (-18C): See the expiration date.